王龙,博士,准聘教授,于2014年,2017年分别在陕西科技大学,中国科学院大学获得学士和硕士学位,2018年在澳大利亚伍伦贡大学攻读博士学位,导师Kiet Tieu 教授(院士)。近五年,在高温润滑材料,自润滑材料的设计制备,高温润滑抗磨机理等方面取得了一些研究成果,发表SCI论文近40篇,其中以第一作者在Carbon, Composite Part B:Engineering, Friction,Tribology International,Wear 等期刊发表SCI 论文17篇。
1. 高温摩擦与润滑
2. 宽温域环境适应性润滑抗磨材料(涂层)
3. 极端工况下材料摩擦ˎ磨损ˎ润滑ˎ氧化与防护
4. 人工智能在摩擦学方向的应用探索
1. Long Wang, K. Tieu, G. Hai, J. Li, H. Zhu, T. Sang, J. Yang; Na2CO3 and graphene nanocomposites toward efficient lubrication (Carbon, 177 (2021), 138-150)
2. Long Wang, K. Tieu, H. Zhu, G. Deng, S. Cui, Q. Zhu; A study of water-based lubricant with a mixture of polyphosphate and nano-TiO2 as additives for hot rolling process (Wear, Accepted, DOI:10.1016/j.wear.2021.203895)
3. Long Wang, K. Tieu, H. Zhu, G. Deng, G. Hai, J. Wang, J. Yang; The effect of expanded graphite with sodium metasilicate as lubricant at high temperature (Carbon 159 (2020) 345-356)
4. Long Wang, K. Tieu, P. Wang, G. Hai, D.R.G. Mitchell, H. Zhu; High temperature lubrication and mechanism of sodium carbonate by interface tailoring (Applied Surface Science 530 (2020) 147288)
5. Long Wang, K. Tieu, G. Deng, J. Wang, B. Tran, H. Zhu, J. Yang; In-situ interfacial tribochemistry toward eliminating red-scale of silicon steel in friction process (Tribology International 143 (2020) 106077)