胡星浩,博士,教授,博士毕业于韩国大邱庆北科学技术研究院(DGIST)。先后在DGIST从事博士后研究和德国马克斯-普朗克智能系统研究所从事博士后研究(洪堡学者)。主要研究方向为面向生物工程应用的微型磁性机器,及微型机器在微纳米界面上的摩擦与润滑行为。已在Science Advances, Nature Communications, Advanced Functional Materials, Small等国际高水平期刊发表论文20余篇。
1. 先进磁性材料对微型机器的制备
2. 微型磁性机器的精确控制
3. 微纳米界面的摩擦与润滑
1. X. Hu, I. C. Yasa, Z. Ren, S. R. Goudu, H. Ceylan*, W. Hu*, and M. Sitti*. Magnetic soft micromachines made of network of linked micromagnets. Science Advances, 2021, 7, eabe8436.
2. X. Hu#, S. R. Torati#, H. Kim, J. Yoon, B. Lim, K. Kim, M. Sitti, and C. Kim*. Multifarious transit gates for programmable delivery of bio-functionalized matters. Small, 2019, 1901105.
3. X. Hu, B. Lim, S. R. Torati, J. Ding, V. Novosad*, M. Im, V. Reddy, K. Kim, E. Jung, A. I. Shawl, E. Kim, and C. Kim*. Autonomous magnetic microrobots by navigating gates for multiple biomolecules delivery. Small, 2018, 14, 1800504.
4. X. Hu, S. R. Torati, J. Yoon, B. Lim, K. Kim, and C. Kim*. Magnetically characterized molecular lubrication between biofunctionalized surfaces. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2018, 10, 16177.
5. X. Hu#, S. R. Goudu#, S. R. Torati, B. Lim, K. Kim, and C. Kim*. An on-chip micromagnet frictionometer based on magnetically driven colloids for nano-bio interfaces. Lab on a Chip, 2016, 16, 3485.
6.S. R. Goudu, H. Kim, X. Hu, B. Lim, K. Kim, S. R. Torati, H. Ceylan, D. Sheehan, M. Sitti, and C. Kim. Mattertronics for programmable manipulation and multiplex storage of pseudo-diamagnetic holes and label-free cells. Nature Communications, 2021, 12, 3024.
7.S. R. Goudu, I. C. Yasa, X. Hu, H. Ceylan, W. Hu, and M. Sitti. Biodegradable untethered magnetic hydrogel milli-grippers. Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 2004975.