董雷,博士,教授。2015年于复旦大学获得博士学位,2016-2017在新加坡国立大学化学系Loh Kian Ping教授课题组进行二维材料研究。2018-2022年在上海科技大学物质学院进行二维材料及储能材料研究。2022年2月加入西北工业大学材料学院。以第一/通讯作者在Nature Communications, Chemical Society Review, Advanced Materials, Advanced Science, Nano Energy, Chemical Engineering Journal, Energy Storage Materials, Energy & Environmental Materials, Chemistry of Materials, Nanoscale, Chemical Communications等期刊发表多篇学术论文,被引千余次。申请国家发明专利十余项,国际PCT专利2项。
[1] Lei Dong,Lu Nie, W. Liu*. Water-Stable Lithium Metal Anodes with Ultrahigh-Rate Capability Enabled by a Hydrophobic Graphene Architecture. Advanced Materials 2020, 32, 1908494.
[2] Lei Dong, Zhongxin Chen, Xiaoxu Zhao, Jianhua Ma, Shan Lin, Mengxiong Li, Yang Bao, Leiqiang Chu, Kai Leng, Hongbin Lu*, Kian Ping Loh*. A Non-Dispersion Strategy for Large-Scale Production of Ultra-High Concentration Graphene Slurries in Water. Nature Communications 2018, 9: 76. (ESI highly cited papers)
[3] Lei Dong, Jieun Yang, Manish Chhowalla*, Kian Ping Loh*. Synthesis and Reduction of Large Sized Graphene Oxide Sheets. Chemical Society Review 2017, 46, 7306-7316. (ESI highly cited papers)
[4] Lei Dong, Chang Zhang, Wei Liu. All-in-One Structured Lithium-Metal Battery. Advanced Science 2022, DOI: 10.1002/advs.202200547.
[5] Lei Dong, Zhongxin Chen, Shan Lin, Chen Ma, Hongbin Lu*. Reactivity-Controlled Preparation of Ultralarge Graphene Oxide by Chemical Expansion of Graphite. Chemistry of Materials 2017, 29, 564-572. (“ACS Editor’s Choice”, “Most Read Articles”)
[6] Zedong Zhao, Lei Dong*, Qin Huang, Tianqi Wu, Fugang Zhao, Yixuan Guo, Bo Hu, Yuanhang Ge, Jiajia Zhang, Keyu Xie, Hongbin Lu*. Accordion frameworks enable free-standing, high Si content anode for Li-ion batteries. Energy & Environmental Materials 2022, Accepted.
[7] Li Bai, Yongqi Xu, Ao Liu, Lei Dong*, Kai Zhang*, Wei-shi Li*, Fu-Gang Zhao*. Unusual graphite fluoride hydrolysis toward unconventional graphene oxide for high-performance supercapacitors and Li-ion batteries. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 434, 134639.
[8] Tianqi Wu, Zedong Zhao, Jiajia Zhang, Chang Zhang, Yixuan Guo, Yongjie Cao, Shaoxue Pan, Yicheng Liu, Peiying Liu, Yuanhang Ge, Wei Liu, Lei Dong*, Hongbin Lu*. Thick Electrode with Thickness-Independent Capacity Enabled by Assembled Two-Dimensional Porous Nanosheets. Energy Storage Materials 2021, 36, 265-271.
[9] Lei Dong , Long Zhang, Shan Lin, Zhongxin Chen, Yannan Wang, Xiaoxu Zhao, Tianqi Wu, Jiajia Zhang, Wei Liu*, Hongbin Lu*, K. P. Loh*. Building Vertically-Structured, High-Performance Electrodes by Interlayer-Confined Reactions in Accordion-like, Chemically Expanded Graphite. Nano Energy 2020, 70, 104482.
[10] Cancan Wang, Long Zhang, Mengxiong Li, Jiajia Zhang, Yufei Chen, Minqing Sun, Lei Dong*, Hongbin Lu*. Sub-nanometer, Ultrafine α-Fe2O3 Sheets Realized by Controlled Crystallization Kinetics for Stable, High-Performance Energy Storage. Chemistry-A European Journal 2019, 25, 5005-5013.
[11] Lei Dong, Shan Lin, Liu Yang, Jiajia Zhang, Chao Yang, Dong Yang, Hongbin Lu*. Spontaneous Exfoliation and Tailoring of MoS2 in Mixed Solvents. Chemical Communications 2014, 50, 15936-15939.
[12] Chang Zhang#, Lei Dong#, Nan Cheng, Haiyin Zhu, Cong Wu, Fugang Zhao, Wei Liu*. Aligned Graphene Array Anodes with Dendrite-Free Behavior for High-Performance Li-ion Batteries. Energy Storage Materials 2021, 37, 296-305.
[13] Shan. Lin#, Lei Dong#, Jiajia Zhang, Hongbin Lu*. Room-Temperature Intercalation and ∼1000-Fold Chemical Expansion for Scalable Preparation of High-Quality Graphene. Chemistry of Materials 2016, 28, 2138-2146. (“ACS Editor’s Choice”, “Most Read Articles”)