马强,博士,准聘副教授,于2014年和2017年在南京航空航天大学获得学士和硕士学位,2021年于西安交通大学获得博士学位,2018-2020年在美国西北大学博士联合培养两年。主要从事液体超滑、界面膜原位构筑及其摩擦化学反应机理、功能表面涂层设计与制备等领域研究,累计发表SCI论文17篇,其中以第一作者在Applied Surface Science,Tribology International,Wear等期刊发表SCI 论文9篇。
1. 面向材料超低摩擦磨损的润滑设计
2. 绿色添加剂增效润滑设计
3. 仿生表面涂层的摩擦学设计与制备
1. Ma Qiang, Qi Penghao, Dong Guangneng. An experimental and molecular dynamics study of the superlubricity enabled by hydration lubrication. Applied Surface Science, 2021, 553:149590.
2. Ma Qiang, He Tao, Khan Arman Mohammad, et al. Achieving macroscale liquid superlubricity using glycerol aqueous solutions. Tribology International, 2021, 160:107006.
3. Ma Qiang, Wang Shijian, Dong Guangneng. Macroscale liquid superlubricity achieved with mixtures of fructose and diols. Wear, 2021, 484-485:204037.
4. Ma Qiang, Khan Arman Mohammad, Wang Q. Jane, Chung Yip-Wah. Dependence of tribological performance and tribopolymerization on the surface binding strength of selected cycloalkane-carboxylic acid additives. Tribology Letters, 2020, 68:86.
5. Ma Qiang, Tong Zhe, Wang Wei, Dong Guangneng. Fabricating robust and repairable superhydrophobic surface on carbon steel by nanosecond laser texturing for corrosion protection. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 455:748-757.