目前主要从事耐磨及润滑材料、多元多相合金非平衡凝固理论及固态相变理论等方面的研究工作。主持国家自然基金项目3项,省部级项目5项。在非平衡凝固理论,非平衡相变理论,热力学极值原理应用、块体非晶材料、耐磨及自润滑材料方面取得了一些研究成果,累计发表学术论文70余篇,其中本学科TOP期刊Acta Materialia论文20篇。
[1] Jianbao Zhang, Haifeng Wang*, Wangwang Kuang, Yachan Zhang, Shu Li, Yuhong Zhao*, D.M. Herlach*. Rapid solidification of non-stoichiometric intermetallic compounds: Modeling and experimental verification. Acta Materialia, 2018, 148: 86-99.
[2] Wangwang Kuang, Haifeng Wang*, Jianbao Zhang, Feng Liu. Application of the thermodynamic extremal principle to diffusion-controlled phase-transformations in multi-component substitutional alloys: Modeling and applications. Acta Materialia 2016, 120: 415-425.
[3] Haifeng Wang*, Feng Liu, G.J. Ehlen, D.M. Herlach. Application of the maximal entropy production principle to rapid solidification: A multi-phase-field model. Acta Materialia 2013, 61: 2617~2627.
[4] Haifeng Wang, Feng Liu*, Zheng Chen, Gencang Yang, Yaohe Zhou. Analysis of non-equilibrium dendrite growth in bulk undercooled alloy melt; model and application. Acta Materialia. 2007, 55: 497~506.
[5] Haimin Zhai, Haifeng Wang*, Feng Liu*. A strategy for designing bulk metallic glass composites with excellent work-hardening and large tensile ductility. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016, 685: 322-330.